Purpose: Increase traffic and sales at Circle K.
Idea: The Frosty App
App - Scan whenever you purchase a Froster from a local Circle K & collect points to redeem for prizes.
Prize Examples - Bag of candy, keychain, speaker, FrosterGrip tape.
Share photos with your foster on social media through the app for bonus points.
Store Promotion: Collect Points on the app and exchange them for prizes.
Partner with a popular local sports team:
‣ Eg. Hockey or basketball team
‣ Customers who buy a Froster can collect a set of player trading cards or enter a contest to win tickets to a game.
Partner with a popular local event:
‣ Eg. a music festival or food fair, to create a limited-time promotion.
‣ Customers who purchase a Froster at our stores can collect a branded event t-shirt or enter a contest to win VIP tickets.